Boringest :| - 74.6% needed!

Monday, February 13, 2006

The End of the Boringest Blogspot!

Hey guys, In case you're wondering why this blog hardly gets updated, it's because I don't really have the time to write in 2 blogs, manage SARA, Blogasian, BLORC and also KOREKK!!! Plus, do my projects. So, here's an official announcement that I'll stop writing in this blog and just concentrate on my other blog:


Also, if you're looking for cheap hosting - check us out! With prices starting from US$2/year, there's a plan which will suit everyone. And if you want to read more about what we offer - see this! And, if you're willing to be part of a forum and post at least 15 useful posts a month, check us out at BLORC! This will be more limited than our paid hosting, but you'll have much greater freedom, space and bandwidth than most free bloghosting providers out there.


  • hey... just want to say a word of thanks for putting up some of my entries on sarawho... appreciate it.

    By Blogger zewt, at 8/23/2007 04:42:00 pm  

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