Boringest :| - 74.6% needed!

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Hi guys, SARA has her own domain now and it's called:

Please update your links/bookmarks if possible. Otherwise the old links should still work for a couple of months still I think. So, what is SARA? It's a blog aggregator for the public and currently it consist of blogs from Malaysia and some from Singapore. What does it do/How SARA works? Basically, it collects excerpts of your most recent posts and send them to our servers and we'll show them on our main webpage, whereby readers can just click on the title of your post if they are interested and they can read excerpts of it. If they are interested to read more, they just have to click on the blog's name and they'll be transported to your blog. How much does it cost? It's totally FREE! How do I submit my blog feed?
  1. Goto
  2. Fill up the details there,
  3. Click on 'Submit' and you're done!
After that, do I have to go back and submit my feed again after I've done a new blog post? No! Once you submitted your feed, you'll never have to tell us about a new post again. SARA uses your RSS/ATOM/RDF feeds to tell our webservers if your blog is updated or not. Once you submit a new post, SARA webservers will be able to detect it within 10-15 minutes and it'll automatically appear on the main webpage. Do I have to be Malaysian/Singaporean to join this? As long as you're a citizen/resident from Southeast Asia, we will accept your feed. However, your blog needs to be in English if you're not from Malaysia/Singapore. What happens if I wish to remove my feed from SARA? SARA respects your privacy and once you tell us that you wish to remove your feed from us, all your previous posts will disappear altogether from our data. To submit a ticket to remove your feed, follow these steps:
  1. Goto
  2. Fill up the details there,
  3. Click on 'Submit' and you're done!
If I encounter any problems, who should I contact? Please contact me at boringest_at_gmail_com. I am a programmer/designer and I wish to contribute to this project. What are your future plans for SARA? Who do I contact? Future plans include:
  • A blog portal showing the best written posts of the day.
  • An AJAX based blog post ranking system like
  • A forum to discuss/organise future events/trade/contribute to SARA.
We need help for the above to become a reality. So please volunteer if you think you can. Contact boringest_at_gmail_com.


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